1.0. General:
1.1. Scope of Work
P.W.P.S. was established to full fill the following goals:
1.1.1. Sharing in the field of petroleum services.
1.1.2. Using the Specialized Industrial Materials, ...etc. using up to date technology.
1.1.3. As we have excellent contacts with the newest technology Sources around the world, we are dedicated to transfer the latest technology in the above Sectors to the Libyan Market through a qualified, dedicated team of Engineers, Technicians & Professional Personal.
1.2. P.W.P.S. Activities
1.2.1. Petroleum Services
General Maintenance Service
Blasting and Painting with the Protective and Specialized Painting Materials.
Mechanical Works, such steel structure erecting, heat exchanger repair...etc
All shutdown activities.
1.2.2. : Repair of Industrial Leaks
Company has been developing and designing products and procedures to fix any types of industrial leakages WITHOUT PLANT SHUTDOWN.
1.2.3. : Supply of Fittings
The company works to provide the oil and gas sectors, onshore and offshore industries, and the chemical and petrochemical industries, with all the necessary equipment and specialized technical solutions.
1.2.4. : Insulation Works
Cold Insulation using Polyurethane Foam either by Spraying or Pouring at site as well as related Metal Sheet Installation Works.
Water proofing with the Latest Modern System like Polyurea Materials.
Hot Insulation using Mineral Wool, Glass Wool and Ceramic Fiber as well as related Metal Installation Works.
Tanks lining using Fiber Glass Materials, Polyester or Epoxies Materials.
Sound Isolation
1.2.5. : Safety and Alarms Systems
Fire Alarm, Security Systems and Gas Leakage Systems.
Fire Fighting System.
Instrument and control networks.
Photo Cells.
1.2.6 : Prefabrication Buildings
Supply and Construct of War Houses, Open Sheds, Workshops...etc.
Supply and construct of Storage Refrigeration Units. Key Hand Over Completely with Wools, Roofs, Flooring and Refrigeration Equipments.
1.2.7. : Electrical Works
Construction of Towers for Transmition lines.
Maintenance, Commissioning and Operation for power Planets (Gas, Steam and Combine).
1.2.8. : General Contracting for Oil and Gas Fields:
Building construction, consultant and execution.
Road's construction, Dams and airports run way construction.
General maintenance, Infrastructure and tourist resorts.
2.0. Objectives
The main objectives of P.W.P.S. management shall include the following:
1. Facilitate Completion of contracts within Budget and time schedule.
2. Ensure that all contracts meet contractual and regulatory requirements.
3. Ensure the quality of the raw materials and finished product.
4. Employ dedicated personnel of the appropriate experience and training.
3.0. Policy:
To Achieve these objectives, P.W.P.S. shall utilise throughout its Organization, an affective and efficient quality management system (Q.M.S) planned and developed in conjunction with other management functions.
Determination of conformance of work to contact and regulatory requirements shall be made on the basis of objective evidence of quality and quantity.
4.0. Quality Management System
The assurance of quality is a fundamental philosophy for all work undertaken by P.W.P.S. and shall be practiced by all personal in their daily activities.
5.0. Definitions:
Quality Assurance Manual
The documents setting out the general quality policies procedures and practices of P.W.P.S.
Quality Management System
The Organization structure responsibilities, activities, resources and events that together provide organized procedures and methods of implementation to ensure the capability of the Organization to meet quality requirements.
The document, setting out the specific quality assurance practices, resources and activities relevant to a particular contract or project.
The document setting out the quality control practices, resources and activities relevant to the manufacture of equipment/products.
Quality Audit
An independent and systematic examination of actions that influence quality. Quality auditing can relate to product, process or system.
Quality Engineering
The application of appropriate techniques and skills to achieve the required quality.
Design Review
A review carried to assess conformance to the intent of the design specification.
Supplier Evaluation
Assessment of a supplier's control of quality.
Quality Control
The operational techniques and activities that sustain
Examination, measurement and testing of the characterizations of items and services to ensure that they meet jurisdictional and contractual requirements.
The authoritative ...act of documenting compliance with requirements.
6.0. Control of Manuals
The Q.A. Manager shall be responsible for the updating and internal distribution of this Manual.
The Q.A. Manager shall subsequently ensure that all copies of the Manual are numbered and a register of their location is maintained.
Any changes to the Manual shall be approved by the Managing Director.
The Q.A. Manager shall be responsible for the control of changes to the Manual. He shall ensure that:
a) Each changed page is issued and revision numbered.
b) The changes, where they affect other Company documentation or relevant procedures, are incorporated into these subsidiary documents and they are also approved and issued.
c) The revisions are distributed to all internal holders of the Q.A. Manual and superseded sections withdrawn. Only the holders of manuals which have been assigned a specific serial number shall receive these revised sections. All other copies that may be issued to Clients, ...etc., shall be uncontrolled and therefore, not updated.
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